26 MARCH 2025

Hello Mooloolah Community,
I’m not entirely sure where the term has disappeared too however this will be the last newsletter for the term. It certainly has been an eventful one with plenty of rain, a school closure, the roll out of our new Student Code of Conduct, our first term of learning almost complete, a swim carnival, and some outstanding sporting performances.
It was so lovely to see the parents volunteer in Prep B this week assisting with reading groups. They had four reading groups going and everyone was engaged. It makes such a difference to our children when we have parents or grandparents volunteering to help our children read in the mornings. It also opens our school up to our community and we love it. If you wish to assist in term 2 please contact your child’s class teacher and offer to help.
Thank you to those parents who took the time to attend our parent Student Code of Conduct session. They now have a clearer picture around our behaviour processes, our focus on communication, support and encouraging a positive learning culture. Keep an eye out for our merit certificates which will be presented to those students who have had a brilliant term and shown outstanding behaviour. This is what being a Loolah Legend is all about.
Our Hat badges for our high-flying students have been ordered and the first round will be given out at the end of semester one. Our mascot is in the pipeline as well, start having a chat with your child on what we may name it. There will be a school competition run to do so.
Next Thursday we will be holding our Easter Bonnet Parade so get those Easter Bonnets ready and let's have some Easter fun. We will have free dress on this day just to add a little spice to our end of week. Please make sure that the clothing your child wears is sun safe and appropriate for school.
Thank you to our incoming P&C team and executive. We have the best P&C in Queensland and I can’t wait to work with them this year.
Stay dry, be safe!
Scott Thompson

Our parent/teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday 29 April in the school hall. Interviews will be 10 minutes and will provide a chance for you to have a brief discussion on your child's progress to date.
Interviews can be made using the following booking link:
For any questions, please contact Mooloolah State School at 5413 6333


Our catch-up day for school photos is Thursday 26 March
Please ensure your child is wearing their full school uniform on this day.
It is requested you order and pay online prior to the shoot dates, as per the flyer
If you would like to pay by cash, contact Portrait Patch on 07 5492 7284


The P&C had a great turnout for our AGM this month, and we would like to congratulate our new Executive Committee:
President: Katrina Mills
Vice President / Tuckshop: Themelina Johns
Vice President / Grants: Katie Tietjen
Treasurer: Lin Bakar
Secretary: Amanda Quinn
We also welcome Michelle Lemmon as our Uniform Shop Coordinator, and Kara Tonnissoo as Social Media Coordinator. Thank you everyone for volunteering your time to support our school community!
If you are interested in becoming a part of our P&C, we would love to hear from you! There are no requirements to sign up or to commit to a role... your input is invaluable to us, and we would love to see more faces at our next meeting, which will be held on Wednesday 21 May.
Seeking Volunteers
As many of you are aware, the annual Mooloolah State School Trivia Night is a thriving community event that brings parents, teachers, and community members together for a great night of fun and laughter. However, it is a huge undertaking for our P&C volunteers, and without additional support, is at risk of being put on hold. If you have any capacity to support us with planning, fundraising or working the event, please reach out to us at: pandc@mooloolahss.eq.edu.au
Tuckshop will continue to run in term two, thanks to our wonderful tuckshop coordinator Themelina, and her incredible group of parent volunteers. If you are interested and able to volunteer on a Monday, please reach out via the P&C email or the P&C Families Page on Facebook. Subway Thursdays will also continue to operate.
We wish all our Mooloolah families a happy and safe Easter holiday and look forward to connecting with you in term two!